SnapChip: A Revolutionary Care Planning Tool


SnapChip is a location service that allows the tracking of care-givers, residents and assets in real-time. This provides the ability to do things like geo-fencing, automated alerts, historical location reporting and a visual representation of caregivers, residents and assets on a map to be displayed anywhere.

SnapChip allows us to individualize security on a resident-level. For example, we can say “Donna is not allowed in this room but Barbara is”, and alerts will be triggered for the care team to assist the resident to find their way. With SnapChip, your care team will have a 2nd set of eyes in every room!

Say goodbye to scattered, duplicated, gap-ridden approaches. Say hello to snapchip!

Led By
Dr. Karen Monsen

Dr. Monsen is a professor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing Informatics specialty and directs the Center of Nursing Informatics. She has worked extensively with healthcare agencies and systems regarding documentation issues and data management.


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